Baseball Coach Gear Checklist: Essential Equipment & Must Haves

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Baseball Coach Gear Checklist: Essential Equipment & Must Haves

O C T 29, 2023


In the world of baseball, coaches are the unsung heroes who shape the future of the game. Whether it’s Little League, high school, or the major leagues, these mentors play a pivotal role in developing players’ skills, instilling values, and nurturing a love for the sport. But, have you ever stopped to consider the critical importance of proper gear for baseball coaches? Just as players rely on their bats, gloves, and uniforms, coaches need the right equipment to excel in their roles. In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of coaches in the game and explore how having the right gear can make all the difference. 

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • Essential Baseball Coach Gear
  • Instructional Gear for Baseball Coaches
  • Protective Baseball Gear and Accessories for Coaches
  • Baseball Coach Gear Checklist FAQs

Essential Baseball Coach Gear


Coaching Bag

 As a baseball coach, you already have your hands full during practice and games, so choosing the right coaching bag can help alleviate some stress. Choosing the right bag that can keep you organized contributes to having a positive coaching experience. An organized and prepared coach sets an example for the rest of the team. When players know that their coach is prepared, they pay more attention and practice can be more productive. 

Coaching bags need to be durable, spacious, and convenient. They also need to have plenty of features to accommodate the needs of the coach. The best coaching bags have multiple compartments that allow the coach to locate items when needed easily. They have comfortable straps for the long walk to and from the field. They are water-resistant to protect equipment during rainouts. They are durable and feature reinforced stitching, robust zippers, and sturdy handles. 

A coach needs to bring a lot of equipment to the field every day. This includes baseballs, a glove, a fungo bat, a scorebook and pens, lineup cards, a first aid kit, sunscreen, a uniform, water, a clipboard, and even a rule book. The amount of equipment can quickly add up! Get a coaching bag to stay organized as you lead your team on the field.


The coach is often responsible for providing the baseballs used in practices and games. It is important to have enough baseballs for everyone to play catch, conduct infield drills, and batting practice. When deciding what baseballs to bring, try to match the baseballs used in practice to those used in the games. There are many different types of baseballs based on the age and league of the players. For more information, consult our Guide to Different Types of Baseballs. 

Additionally, consider the bucket you will transport the baseballs in. Some buckets feature a padded lid to serve as a seat. This can be extremely helpful for portable seating while conducting practices or coaching games.

Clipboard, Scorebook, and Lineup Card

Time is valuable in baseball practices and games. Staying organized helps you stay productive on the field and a great way to stay organized is by using a clipboard, scorebook, and lineup card. During practices, a clipboard can display a practice plan to ensure everyone knows what is going on. During games, a scorebook helps the coach keep track of the score, player statistics, and trends and patterns. These pieces of information help the coach in their decision-making process. Finally, the lineup card is used to communicate to the players the batting lineup and defensive rotation. Displaying a  lineup card saves valuable time as the coach does not have to read the lineup every inning.

Fungo Bat

A fungo bat is a specialized, lightweight bat designed for coaches to hit infield and outfield practice to their players. They are normally longer and lighter than regular baseball bats giving the coach better control when hitting. Because they are long and light, the coach does not have to swing as hard when hitting, reducing fatigue and allowing them to hit more without getting tired. Fungo bats are instrumental in facilitating skill development for both infielders and outfielders. Coaches can use them to simulate challenging plays, such as difficult hops, long throws, and deep fly balls, providing players with the opportunity to enhance their fielding techniques and overall game readiness. Most importantly, using fungo bats simulates the spin and trajectory the ball will have off the bat in the game. This repetition is vital as it creates muscle memory and improves players’ skills. 


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